[startup experience #1] Conscious of time | draft an eBook & create app prototypes within one month

Amy Li, PhD
4 min readMar 15, 2022
Image design by Amy Li

Jan 31, 2022, I left my job, becoming a jobless person. What have I learnt? How would I make a living? Am I enjoying what now?



When I was still an employee, like everybody else, going to work from Monday to Friday become my habit. This habit automates my daily life: wake up at 7 o’clock, ride subway for one hour to office, leave office at 6pm, go to gym, and come to home at 11pm. But there is obvious consequence about such automation.

A habit automates things for us by avoiding the life fractions about making new decisions, but as we become comfortable with such automation, we are not sensitive to the feedbacks and stop thinking about how to do it better. — Atomic Habits by James Clear

Interestingly, I didn’t realize the fact that I’m on autopilot without any awareness about my life until I quit my job.

Yes, spending 8 hours at work and 2 hours in commuting five days a week, sometimes, six days a week…



Amy Li, PhD

Software Developer | Ph.D. in Medicine. I write about programming, productivity, personal development, and entrepreneurship. https://www.youtube.com/@amyjuanli