My Best Chinese Friend With a Lucrative Job Messaged Me Wanting Moving Abroad Advice

Looking forward to working abroad is not always the best advice.

Amy Li, PhD
5 min readAug 31, 2023


Photo by Anubhav Saxena on Unsplash

My best Chinese friend with a lucrative job wants to move abroad.

She has worked in big tech based in Beijing for over ten years since she graduated with a master’s degree. As she has already bought an expensive house and started a family in Beijing, I never expected she would want to move to another country.

Unlike many Chinese immigrants who want to make more money in a Western country, she wants to live a less stressful, simpler life with her family.

At this moment, I’m pleased about her aspiration for change. Everyone has their reason to immigrate and their way of life. Not every Chinese dislikes a lucrative job despite the pressure. There is no denying that not a few people would often like to sacrifice their valuable time and health for more money. After ten years of hard work, she realizes that making tons of money is not her priority anymore but her family’s good-quality life.

She shared with me her plan to move abroad because she doesn’t want her kid to feel the same pressure as she does. She doesn’t want her kid to live in an environment with intensive education (Chinese Pinyin: Jī wá…



Amy Li, PhD

Software Developer | Ph.D. in Medicine. I write about programming, productivity, personal development, and entrepreneurship.