FOMO for Programmers: Overcoming the Fear of Missing Out and Staying Focused on Your Goals

Get Out of Tutorial Hell.

Amy Li
3 min readFeb 21, 2022
Image is created using Canva by Amy Li

What is FOMO?

FOMO is not just the sense that there might be better things that you could be doing at this moment, but it is the feeling that you are missing out on something fundamentally important that others are experiencing right now.

FOMO usually comes from comparing yourself to others. It involves a sense of envy which affects your self-esteem.

What Type of FOMO Are You?

FOMO Type: Negative and Depressed

If the new cool thing (new framework, new language, new architecture, etc.) generates negative feelings for you, such as making you feel anxious because of your little or no knowledge about that thing and believing that there are already many people who know that.

FOMO Type: Positive and Energetic

If the new cool thing generates a positive feeling for you and makes you feel excited about that new cool thing, then you probably end up in a rabbit hole by going through all possible materials to learn that new thing. Many times, you realize that you haven’t finished the most important thing in front of…



Amy Li

Software Developer | Ph.D. in Medicine. I write about programming, productivity, personal development, and entrepreneurship.